Strong, Smiling Woman

Introducing Enamel, Protector of Teeth

There are many layers to teeth, but the most visible & potentially most…

Teen smiling with braces

How Braces Can Save You Money

Many people think of braces as a method of getting straighter teeth, &…

Close-Up of Child Putting Toothpaste on a Toothbrush

You Might Be Using Too Much Toothpaste

We’ve all seen those commercials & ads that show a toothbrush with a…

Close Up Portrait of Cheerful Woman

How Much Are Your Teeth Worth?

It’s easy to take your teeth for granted. But if you neglect them, they can end…

Smiling Woman Holding a Glass of Water

The Healing Power of Water

Water is one of the foundational substances of our planet, vital for all living…

Woman sleeping

How Dentists Treat Sleep Apnea

You probably know that a good night’s sleep is an important part of keeping…

Woman with healthy smile

Easy Tips to Improve Your Oral Health

Sometimes it can feel difficult to keep up with your dental health. Here are…

Girl who lost a baby tooth

The Magical Origin of the Tooth Fairy

Many children today look forward to losing their teeth & the subsequent…

Woman using mouthwash

The History of Mouthwash

Mouthwash can be a useful addition to your oral health routine & can help…

Man smiling and thinking

Why You Should Get a Filling Even if Your Cavity Doesn't Hurt

You may be wondering why it’s necessary to get a cavity filled if it isn’t…