how often to replace your toothbrush

How Often Should You Replace Your Toothbrush?

We've all heard that the pen is mightier than the sword. You might also say that the toothbrush is mightier than the drill! That's because if you wield your toothbrush properly, it's a very powerful weapon against tooth decay & gum disease. But like any tool, if you want it to work best, you need to take care of it.

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staying calm at the dental clinic no fear

No Need to Fear the Dentist

With today's modern sedation techniques & better understanding of the causes & solutions for dental phobia, there is no reason to fear the dentist. As dentists, the thing we fear the most is our patients being in pain or experiencing other challenges due to not visiting the dentist for checkups & treatment.

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benefits of teeth cleanings

Teeth Cleanings Are About More Than Clean Teeth!

When most of a us think of a teeth cleaning appointment, we think of polishing & maybe a little scraping. But the truth is that teeth cleaning appointments are about so much more than clean, shiny teeth!

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pregnant woman with healthy teeth

How Pregnancy Can Affect Your Oral Health

Among the many changes that women experience in their bodies when they become pregnant, changes to their oral health may be among the most surprising and perplexing.

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children who lost their milk teeth baby teeth

Not Everyone Loses All Their Baby Teeth (Milk Teeth)!

While most people finish losing their primary teeth (also called baby teeth or milk teeth) by age 12, there are some adults who still have at least one baby tooth!

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woman color matching for tooth bonding

The Fast Magic of Dental Bonding

If you need a chipped tooth repaired or want a fast and relatively affordable way to change the shape of your smile, dental bonding is the solution.

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smile makeover without braces

3 Ways to Re-Shape Your Smile Without Braces

When people think of a smile makeover, many people think of braces. And it's true that braces can create a very powerful before and after image. However, not every smile makeover involves braces.

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results from drugstore teeth whitening products

Do Drugstore Teeth Whitening Products Work?

The most effective and best teeth whitening treatment you can receive is a professional teeth whitening session at the dentist. The dentist has access to specialized whitening products and knows how to whiten teeth quickly and effectively.

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